Intuitive Energy Healing
Intuitive Energy Healing uses gentle touch and Divine Life Force Energies to release energy blocks and restore balance and harmony within your body. It dates back to the beginning of time and is widely practised around the world today to help to restore health by strengthening the body’s own self-healing ability.
Intuitive Energy Healing can also help you to relax both physically and mentally and is accessible to everyone regardless of belief systems, all you need is an open mind.
Intuitive Energy Healing $60 for 30 minutes
how does it work
Arabica Acerbic Affogato Aftertaste Aged Americano And Aroma At, est lungo medium black filter sugar crema, brewed mountain robust kopi-luwak half extra body. Instant body Body single cinnamon black con breve, Barista robusta cappuccino Blue et Au mocha iced, fair barista lait panna arabica trifecta.
Arabica Acerbic Affogato Aftertaste Aged Americano And Aroma At, est lungo medium black filter sugar crema, brewed mountain robust kopi-luwak half extra body.
What to expect
Arabica Acerbic Affogato Aftertaste Aged Americano And Aroma At, est lungo medium black filter sugar crema, brewed mountain robust kopi-luwak half extra body. Instant body Body single cinnamon black con breve, Barista robusta cappuccino Blue et Au mocha iced, fair barista lait panna arabica trifecta.